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Tick Paralysis in Dogs

What is tick paralysis?

Tick ​​paralysis is a disease caused by a neurotoxin that can be present in the saliva of certain female ticks. In North America, the catch dog paralysis ticks have usually been infected by Dermacentor ticks. In Australia, Ixodes ticks is public transport.

Symptoms of tick paralysis on dogs

The first symptoms shown by dogs with tick paralysis often lost control of the throat and voice box. Regurgitation and vomiting are also signs of early occurrence of paralysis ticks on dogs. As the disease progresses, the dog's hind legs will become weak or paralyzed. Weakness / paralysis then will spread along the spine towards the head. Finally, complete paralysis may set in. In the end, the dog will often suffer from respiratory problems.

Tick Paralysis prevention for dogs

If you live in areas where infected ticks can be found, you should check your dog for ticks at least once a day. The faster you eliminate the tick, the less risk that spread disease to your dog. The general rule of thumb states that a check should be attached to the dog for at least 48 hours to cause paralysis tick, tick and check every day for the best way to protect your dog from tick paralysis.

In addition to tick-removal routine, there is a wide range of commercial products are available to help dog owners in their fight against paralysis ticks fleas and other diseases that spread. If you feel confused about many products, do not hesitate to seek the opinion of a veterinarian.

One of the examples of anti-flea products available for dogs is flea collar anti. You can have your pick of various manufacturers, eg making Virbac Preventic 2 Month Tick Collar for dogs or making Bayer Tick Collar Kitix and Flea for Dogs.

If your dog to go to the full check, you might want to rinse off every 2-3 days with anti-tick rinse as Fido the Fre-Itch Rinse. Permoxin insektisidal and Rinse spray is another alternative and should be given every 7 days. Permoxin insektisidal and Rinse spray effective against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Just as with a collar, there are different manufacturers to choose between and you can save quite a lot of money by comparing prices before you make a purchase.

If you and your dog live in an area where ticks are common, spray or spot-on-the-back-of-neck-products may be a more practical solution than having to rinse the dog or several times a week. (Keep in mind that too often rinse bath with shampoo and / or anti-lice can make your dog's skin and coat is very dry and irritated.) Advantix is one example of a new spot-on-the-back-of-the-neck product that can be used well to repel fleas and kill every flea that is attached to your dog. Advantix should be administered twice a month and is effective against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, ticks, and sandflies. Other places Frontline Plus Top Spot products, which also should be administered twice a month. Frontline also produces a spray that can be used every three weeks to protect your dog from ticks. Use six milliliters per kilogram of body weight when spraying. Frontline spray will also kill ticks attached to your dog.

Another alternative in the battle against fleas is like Proban oral insecticide. Proban will be released through the skin of your dog, to effectively protect the entire body from head lice. Dog owners use spray or rinse the dog they can easily miss the place, and lice can find districts. A loss for Proban is that you have to manage your dog for every two days.

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