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Syringomyelia in Dogs

What is Syringomyelia??
Siringomielia is a condition in which a fluid-filled sac grow at the spinal cord of the dog. This can be caused by several different reasons, of which the most common in dogs are malformations Chiari I. In dogs suffering varieties, occipital bone backward and disrupt circulation of spinal fluid. This causes fluid to accumulate in the cervical spinal cord of the dog. This is borne disease and small dogs are far more at risk than middle-sized dog and race. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel especially disturbed by siringomielia passed. If your dog develops siringomielia, can become weak and begin to move the legs and chest in awkward fashion. It can also show signs of pain in the neck.

Siringomielia symptoms in dogs

The main symptom of siringomielia in dogs is a pain in the neck and the dog can be sensitive to touch on one side and neck, shoulder, ear / or sternum. In many dogs, the pain will be worse at night, in the morning when the dog woke up, and for the situation really hot or really cold. Some dogs would prefer to sleep with your head elevated.

General symptoms of siringomielia in dogs is scratching at, ear neck shoulder, or breast bone - usually only on one side of the body. Sometimes the dog will scratch without ever making contact with the skin, and the dog may start scratching while on the move.

In severe cases siringomielia in dogs, symptoms may include neurological symptoms such as weakness in the legs (both front and hindlimbs) and wobbliness when dog walking. Cramps can occur, the dog can be deaf, and facial nerve paralysis is possible.

Young dog with siringomielia sometimes suffer scoliosis, the spine bend.

Siringomielia treatment for dogs

Several types of treatments available for dogs diagnosed with siringomielia. Four basic options are operational, pain control medicine, drugs that reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid formation, and Corticosteroids.

Surgical siringomielia treatment for dogs

The most common surgical procedure for dogs with Chiari malformations are Suboccipital decompression. This procedure will remove hipoplasia occipital bone, and also sometimes the cranial dorsal laminae, resulting in decompression of the foramen magnum. This procedure can be done with or without a durotomy. Surgery is usually only done on dogs with serious pain or neurological symptoms worsened, but on the other hand should be done as early as possible before permanent damage has occurred.

The result varies. It is possible for the problem to recur after several months or even years. In some dogs, repeated operation will be required.

After surgery, the dog will usually be admitted to the hospital until NSAID combination is enough to control postoperative pain. Many vets will for example combine rimadyl and Neurontin (the active ingredient in Neurontin is gabapentin).

Medical control pain

In mild cases siringomielia in dogs, pain can be controlled by the provision of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as rimadyl and Metacam. In more serious cases may require anticonvulsants, such as gabapentin (not licensed for dogs in the United States). Opioid pain killers also very effective. Methadone and pethidine are two examples of opioids that can be administered orally.

CSF reducing medication for dogs with siringomielia

Proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole would reduce the formation of cerebrospinal fluid, to reduce problems with siringomielia. Omeprazol sold by various brands, including Losec and prilosec. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors such as acetazolamide are other alternatives. Acetazolamide is sold under the name diamox. The third option is furosemide.

Corticosteroids are very commonly used in siringomielia therapy for dogs because they can better reduce pain and neurological deficit. The exact mechanism is still not fully understood. Unfortunately

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