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Histoplasmosis Infection in Dogs

What is Histoplasmosis?

Histoplasmosis is a disease caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum named. This can affect both dogs, cats and humans, and is also known as Darling disease. Histoplasma capsulatum is found throughout the world. In the United States, it is endemic to the area around the Mississippi River and Ohio River Valley. This example was found in a trash bird and bat cave dwellings.

At low temperatures, Histoplasma capsulatum to grow as mycelium brown. While stationed at body temperature, for example by infecting dogs, it will be transformed into yeast and cause disease.

Histoplasmosis symptoms in dogs

Dogs usually get Histoplasmosis by inhaling mold spores, and lung, then will be the location for the primary infection. Histoplasma capsulatum If eaten, the digestive tract of dogs can be a major site of infection. From the main site of infection, the organism can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. This example can be settled in the eye or in the bone marrow.

Histoplasmosis symptoms in dogs vary depending on which organs are infected by fungus. Dogs can develop such as lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, or nasopharyngeal ulceration. Dogs can also start coughing, weight loss, and suffer from constant diarrhea, anemia and fever. GI ulceration has also been reported. Trakeobronkial lymphadenopathy can cause respiratory problems. If the skin is infected, nodular, weeping lesions ulceration may occur. Dogs with diseminata Histoplasmosis (Histoplasma capsulatum when has spread from the original site of infection) may also exhibit retinal ablation, chorioretinitis and polyarthropathy.

In the acute stage, Histoplasmosis can be deadly for dogs in 2-5 weeks.

Histoplasmosis prevention for dogs

Histoplasma capsulatum Because found around the world and in a variety of environments, it is difficult to prevent your dog from ever facing it. Testing environment or try to kill the fungus rarely qualified solutions. But you can try to make your dog stay away from the site is very dangerous, as a place where a lot of dirt found birds or bats. Histoplasma capsulatum is known to occur at high levels in the poultry house, the place where the waste from the poultry house removed, caves and other home for bats, birds and roots, especially if it means birds are starlings.

When a dog has been successfully combat infection Histoplasmosis, it will receive partial protection against the adverse effects of re-infection.

Histoplasmosis treatment for dogs

One of the most commonly used treatment for Histoplasmosis dog Itrakonazol 10mg per kilogram of body weight per day. If the infection is mild Histoplasmosis or if treatment begins at an early stage, Ketokonazol an alternative to dogs. Ketoconazole normal dose is 10-15 mg per kilogram body weight and day, was given for 4-6 months. In severe cases of Histoplasmosis, Amfoterisin B or amfoterisin B lipid complex may be required to cure the dog, sometimes followed by long Itrakonazol treatment.

If a dog has been infected but not showing symptoms of Histoplasmosis, a veterinarian will usually shy away from treatment.

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