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Blastomycosis Infection in Dogs

What is Blastomycosis?

Blastomycosis is an infection caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis, a fungus. Natural mushroom as prints in the ground, but when the temperature hit the body can develop into yeast.

Wich dogs get Blastomycosis?

All dogs can get Blastomycosis, so can humans and cats. But some dogs are more prone to this disease than others. Hunting and sporting dogs, as well as every other dog that spends a lot of time on the ground in the wet, more risky, because live Blastomyces dermatitidis in sandy, acid-rich soil - usually near the water flow. Blastomycosis more common in adult dogs, for puppies and older dogs tend to be delivered in the wet ground. Vets still do not know why, but the male dog Blastomycosis contract more often than female dogs. The majority of infected dogs Blastomycosis 2-4 years male dogs weighing 50-75 kg intact.

Blastomycosis symptoms in dogs

Blastomycosis is usually transmitted to dogs by inhaled spores. These spores cause lung infection, but this type of infection often restrict themselves. If spores are able to penetrate damaged skin, they can cause local skin infection. Blastomycosis most serious form is disseminated any form of public or Blastomyces dermatitidis has successfully spread from the original point of entry via the blood stream from the lymphatic system of the dog. Blastomycosis types can cause symptoms ranging from skin, subcutaneous network, eyes, bone, urogenital organs, and brain. The exact symptoms vary depending on the affected organ. Among the common symptoms that can be difficult to determine the specific organ is loss of appetite, weight loss, gloominess, weakness, shortness of breath, decreased ability to exercise, coughing, eye problems, and fever that lasts up to 103 degrees F or even higher and not decreased even though the dog was given antibiotics against bacteria that normally. Infected dogs can also develop skin lesions that produce pus or bloody.

Blastomycosis treatment for dogs

A very effective way to treat Blastomycosis in dogs is giving Amfoterisin B in the form of intravenous injection. The vet can give your dog a slow IV drip for a few hours, or opt for fast bolus IV injection given 1-3 times a week until the dog has received the maximum cumulative dose. Amfoterisin B used to be the standard therapy for Blastomycosis in dogs, but the problem with this drug is the risk of side effects problematic. The risk is even greater when the alternative fast bolus IV injection is used. Today, Amfoterisin B because it is usually available for acute, life-threatening infection Blastomycosis in dogs. Even the dog is affecting the normal within 3-5 days showed amfoterisin treatment B. Important to remember that Amfoterisin B have a toxic effect on the kidneys of dogs. Sometimes veterinarians should defer the administration of medicines to give a chance to recover kidney.

Currently, soft drugs have replaced Amfoterisin B therapy for mild cases of Blastomycosis in dogs. One of the commonly used drugs are Ketokonazol, which can be given to dogs orally. In most cases, the dog should receive two doses a day, not a great one. Ketokonazol problem with is that it can take up to 10-14 days before any improvement in the look of dogs, and Ketokonazol also have lower levels of cure B. Amfoterisin Positive thing is that it is far more damaging to the kidneys, and can be given even for dogs with kidney function is disturbed. In many cases, the vet decided to merge with Amfoterisin ketoconazole B. This allows to reduce the amount Amfoterisin B, thereby reducing the risk of kidney damage. Ketokonazol but still quite liver toxic and dogs may begin to suffer nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting. It can also affect the fertility of male dogs and is not recommended for pregnant prostitute.

Over the past few years, more and more veterinarians have begun to use to treat dogs infected Itrakonazol Blastomycosis. The dog is given orally, and came in much faster than Ketokonazol. In most cases, Itrakonazol given two times a day to start with, and then once a day for 2-3 months. Itraconazole has the same number as a combination of healing and Ketokonazol amfoterisin, but more expensive. In the United States, the 40 pound dog owners should be prepared to pay around U.S. $ 10 per day for this drug, and heavier dog will need Itrakonazol even more, so that choices are really expensive for large trah. Side effects of liver toxicity related Itrakonazol, as with Ketokonazol treatment, but high doses can also cause swelling Itrakonazol on foot and skin lesions.

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