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Disease Epilepsy in Dogs

In dogs, epilepsy can be inherited disease or secondary to other problems such as head injury or infection of the central nervous system. Heritage epilepsy especially common in beagle dogs, Belgian Shepherds, dachshunds and German Shepherd Dogs. In general dog population, the incidence of convulsive epilepsy with no more than 0.5% and 5.7%. Typical symptoms of epilepsy experiencing cramps famous general. Canine Epilepsy usually will create for the first time when the dog is in early adulthood.

Different types canine epilepsy

Dogs can suffer three types of epilepsy: epilepsy reactive, secondary epilepsy, and primary epilepsy. Epilepsy is a reactive response to kidney or liver failure, or metabolic problems such as low blood sugar. Secondary epilepsy - also known as symptomatic epilepsy - can be caused by trauma, stroke, brain tumors and the same health problems. Reason / rationale behind the primary dog ​​epilepsy is far from being understood and therefore the condition is often referred to as idiopathic epilepsy. (Idiopathic = arise spontaneously or from causes that are unclear or unknown.) Idiopathic epilepsy diagnosed gradually eliminate all other possible causes of back spasms.

Dogs with idiopathic epilepsy usually will start experiencing cramps when they around 1-3 years of age. The fact that your dog has a stiff I. around this age but its not to be construed as diagnostic criteria confident dog this age might also develop reactive or secondary epilepsy. It is therefore very important to let the vet examine the dog really in order to remove all known to cause epilepsy. According to a study done in dogs 1-3 years of age with seizures, epilepsy causes behind can be specified in 1/3 of the dogs. This means that only 2/3 of the dogs suffer primary (idiopathic) epilepsy.

What will the vet do?

A dog that has suffered convulsions should always be carefully examined by a veterinarian. To begin with, most veterinarians will start with physical and neurological examination of the dog to determine the overall health status. Veterinarians will also analyze blood and urine of dogs, making serum chemistry profile, bile test, and test if there is a thyroid problem. Veterinarians may also ask you to keep a "stiff diary" in which you document all relevant facts about dog cramps that you experience, including the date, time, length, severity and how long will your dog need to recover after each spasm own. Also record other information that might help, for example if the dog is under all kinds of stress before seizures, a change of environment, diet and so on.

Epilepsy treatment for dogs

There are several different treatments available for dogs with epilepsy. Combining potassium bromide and Fenobarbital is one of the popular treatment, but for the last few years a number of other drugs such as gabapentin have been approved for use in dogs with epilepsy. Other examples of drugs for the treatment of epilepsy that can be given to dogs that Diazepam, phenytoin, levetiracetam, and Zonisamide. When dogs given potassium bromide, veterinarian usually will combine with Zentionol to dilute the effect of the ravage of bromide.

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