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Scotty Cram Disease in Dogs

What is Scotty Cramp?
Scotty cramp is a disease causing cramps and hyperflexion and hiperekstensi of Scottish Terriers feet (breeding work is also known as the Aberdeen Terrier). The reason behind this problem is serotonin metabolism disorders, which make available the amount of serotonin that is too low in the affected Scottish terrier. Serotonin functions as a neurotransmitter in the body of a dog and needed to run the muscle contractions.

In dogs with Scotty cramps, abnormal levels of serotonin or look for dog are resting and relaxing. When dogs become out or doing physical activities that weight, the amount of serotonin is not high enough for the muscles to function properly, and this causes the cramps Scotty. Immediately after the dog relaxed and relax again, the episode will stop.

Scotty cramp symptoms

The first symptoms usually appear when the cramps Scotty dog ​​is between 2 and 18 months. Symptoms usually appear when the dog enthusiastically or when it has been involved in weight training. Scotty cramp mild symptoms that curved from the back and "goose-stepping" gait. In a more serious episode, dogs can suffer from sudden attacks of muscle paralyzing hipertonisitas which alternate between stretching legs (called hiperekstensi) and bending (known as hyperflexion).

A dog suffering from cramps episode Scotty did not realize - is fully realized throughout the entire episode. The dogs do not seem to find a painful episode.

When the stimulus stops, Scotty cramp symptoms will slowly disappear as well. Dogs will return to normal, and the general health of the dog is not affected by Scotty cramp. Instead, it is but true, poor general health can cause more severe episodes of cramping Scotty.

Scotty cramp treatment

One of the important aspects of treatment Scotty cramp is to identify the factors that affect your particular dog and cause hyperkinetic episode. Many things can affect the frequency and severity of cramps Scotty episode, including the environment of your dog, your dog's general health, and the factors that will change the behavior of your dog. Genetic factors are also important. The dog owners and veterinarians can work together to pin point a variety of conditions and behaviors that lead to cramps in dogs Scotty. Natural next step is to reduce factors known to increase the frequency and / or severity of the episode for your dog. Conditioning the behavior can also reduce anxiety related to dogs.

If necessary, your vet can prescribe Diazepam to cure serious episode. Diazepam is also able to prevent episodes hyperkinetic in situations where the risk of your dog has a higher than normal episode. Vitamin E also has been associated with a decrease in the frequency of hyperkinetic episode in dogs with Scotty cramp.

Antiprostaglandins, penicillin, banamine, indomethacin, and fenilbutazon can not be given to dogs with Scotty cramps since this drug well known worsen the frequency and severity of hyperkinetic episode. Do not forget that the general Aspirin is a drug antiprostaglandin.

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