Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs
What is hemolytic anemia?
Hemolytic anemia is a type of regenerative anemia affect dogs. A dog with hemolytic anemia will suffer damage red blood cells that are not normal. Hemolytic anemia can be a primary disease or as a result of other diseases, such as cancer and various infections. Hemolytic anemia can also be seen in some dogs as a result of vaccination, drugs, or display to lead. The most important type of hemolytic anemia in dogs is immune hemolytic anemia.
What is Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA)?
Autoimmune diseases are the result of the dog's immune system turns against the body. 'Hemolytic' term used for diseases that destroy red blood cells. As a result of the destruction of red blood cells, the dog will suffer from anemia.
In dogs suffering from autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), the antibody will attach to red blood cells. This will cause the dog's immune system to believe that the red blood cells are harmful invaders, and it will damage the red blood cells as they will destroy the virus. The exact reason behind this error varies depending on the cause of AIHA, but often the result of toxins, drugs or parasite sticking to the surface of red blood cells.
Symptoms of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) in dogs
Lack of oxygen in the blood causing weakness, fatigue and increased heart rate in dogs suffering from AIHA. Dogs will also breathe faster. Gum mucous membranes, ears, and eyelids can turn pale. A build of bilirubin can cause yellow color of the whites of the eyes. Other symptoms of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) in dogs are vomiting, abdominal pain, blood in the urine and / or feces, and fever.
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) medication for dogs
Because autoimmune hemolytic anemia can be caused by various reasons, a veterinarian should determine the cause of a problem and treat acute symptoms of anemia in dogs. Several different treatments available for dogs with autoimmune hemolytic anemia and treatment should be made to fit your dog, causing disease and the overall health status of the dog.
Drug Prednisone is one of the most important treatment for autoimmune hemolytic anemia in dogs. Prednisone is a corticosteroid that is capable of suppressing the immune system of dogs. As the immune system becomes weak, will not be able to destroy many red blood cells as previously. The problem is of course the dogs with weak immune systems are exposed to a wide range of other diseases. The vet will usually give a dog with AIHA very high dose Prednisone to begin with, in order to put a quick stop to the destruction of red blood cells. Normal dose during the initial phase is 1 mg per pound of body weight per day of prednisone, divided into two doses. In some cases, even higher doses will be needed. You can expect your dog to show improvement in 5-7 days. Prednisone dose can then be reduced gradually over several months. examethasone a corticosteroid medication that can be used in dogs with AIHA. This medication is 5-7 times stronger than Prednisone.
Cytotoxic drugs can be combined with corticosteroids. Some veterinarians will start giving them to the dog than a day, while others prefer to give corticosteroids only for 7 days prior to the introduction of cytotoxic drugs.
Danazol is a drug commonly combined with corticosteroids to treat dogs with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. In some dogs, give danazol just be enough once remission has been achieved.
In cases where the above treatment is not effective enough, may need to add even more potent immunosuppressive drugs. Vets can eg medicines containing azathioprine, such as Imuran. Your dog may need to be given this drug to 6 weeks before you can see any difference.
Medication with cyclophosphamide, Cytoxan for example, can be used to treat autoimmune hemolytic anemia dog which has caused severe hemolysis and aglutinasi. Cyclophosphamide is usually given daily for 4 days, followed by 3 days without cyclophosphamide, and then 4 days with cyclophosphamide, and so on. Siklosporin generally used to make organ donation possible, but a strong capacity immunosuppressant which can also be used to treat dogs with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Rate siklosporin began therapy to 300-500 ng / ml (nanogram / milliliter). Siklosporin available under several different brand names, like Atopica, Gengraf and Neoral.
Other possibilities autoimmune hemolytic anemia treatment for dog
A blood transfusion can be life threatening situations. Introducing blood from other dogs (eg introducing foreign proteins) dangerous for dogs with AIHA and can only be done if absolutely necessary. Artificial blood, such as Oxyglobin, can also be used.
A splectonomy (appointment spleen) can help dogs with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. This is usually only done on dogs that have not been responding to other forms of treatment.
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