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Facial Nerve Paralysis in Dogs

What is facial nerve paralysis?

Facial nerve paralysis in dogs can have many causes, including trauma, inflammation of the middle ear (otis media), neuromuskuler disease, inflammatory CNS disease, cancer, polineuropati (a disease that affects the nervous fold), and operations in the ears or around the area. In many dogs, the vet will never find the cause of facial nerve paralysis.

In dog facial nerve paralysis, there is a problem with the seventh cranial nerve. This causes improper function or complete paralysis of the muscles that control facial expressions and facial movements, including the muscles responsible for moving the lips, nose, eyelids, and ears.

Facial nerve paresis is a mild condition that is causing weakness in the face, not a full blown paralysis.

Breeds at risk

Facial nerve paralysis can affect all dog race, but some are more prone to this problem than others. Examples of exposed dog race is Boxer, English setter, Cocker Spaniel, and Pembroke Welsh corgi.

Facial nerve paralysis symptoms in dogs

Symptoms of facial nerve paralysis can vary depending on the underlying health problem.
Facial nerve paralysis will often cause symptoms such as slipping off the ear (the type with erect ears), inability to blink, and slipping off the lip. Eyes can look irritated or debit flashes, and students can be asymmetrical in size. Nystagmus, abnormal movements of the eyes, can set in, and one may seem more open than the other (also known as "asymmetrical appearance to slit orbit".

Damaged lips can make it difficult for the dog to eat and drink. Excessive saliva in dogs suffering from general paralysis of the facial nerve, and maybe you'll see a little deviation of the nose to the face side. Some dogs will tilt your head, and uncoordinated gait that can develop. The disease can also make the dog weak.

In many cases, only one side of the face affected.

In cases where the paralysis of the facial nerve becomes chronic, fibrosis can develop that can make the ears and lips visible in normal position.

Facial nerve paralysis treatment for dogs

In order to cure facial nerve paralysis veterinarian should find underlying medical problems and deal with this. Unfortunately, up to 75 percent of cases have no detectable cause and the vet because it could not cure the underlying disease.

To prevent damage to the cornea due to paralysis, your dog may need lubrication points. When dogs fail to blink, their eyes will suffer unless the dog owner compensates by giving eye lubricants. Your veterinarian can recommend you ointment or drops and teach you how to manage them. In most situations, "artificial tears" should be given at least four times a day.

If the dog has developed sores or inflammation of the cornea cornea, this condition should be treated with appropriate antibiotics. Severe ulceration may cause permanent eye damage if not addressed.

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