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Heart Valve Dysplasia in Dogs

Heart valve dysplasia is a congenital heart defect in dogs. There are various types of heart valve dysplasia, such as mitral valve dysplasia and dysplasia trikuspid valve.

What is mitral valve disease?

Type dysplasia of the heart valve in the mitral valve with disabilities, who are left atrioventricular valve in the middle of a dog. The atrioventricular (AV) valve is responsible for making blood flow from the atria to the ventricles of each heart rate. In dogs in which the mitral valve is disabled, the blood flow will occur and the blood will flow back into the left atrium. In some dogs, mitral regurgitation will occur. Because of these leaks, the heart will not pump blood to the body as efficiently as would in a healthy dog.

Mitral valve disease symptoms in dogs

Types of heart valve dysplasia can last for many years without you realizing it, but over time your dog will change the heart in order to compensate for the increased work is forced to perform in order to pump blood through the body. Problem worse for overweight dogs, dogs continue to diet inaccurate, and dogs that do not receive regular training.

Early symptoms of heart valve dysplasia type including exercise intolerance, difficulty breathing, and coughing. Coughing often occurs at night or when the dog is at rest. These symptoms tell dog owners that dogs are no longer able to compensate for mitral valve problems. Liquid had begun to accumulate in the lungs of dogs. Dogs can show symptoms such as weakness and fainting.

Mitral valve disease treatment for dogs

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for this type of heart valve dysplasia. But the vet can arrange medical treatment that will make your dog feel better. The treatment is right for the heart valve dysplasia will depend on the severity of the problem, and can include for example diuretics and medications that support the liver. The vet will usually recommend the limitations of training and low-sodium diet for dogs.

What is tricuspid valve dysplasia?

Tricuspid valve dysplasia is a type of heart valve dysplasia in which the atrioventricular valves (tricuspid) disabled right. The atrioventricular vavle in the liver responsible for making blood flow from the atria to the ventricles. If a valve with a disability, can cause the blood to flow back into the right atrium or cause regurgitation tricuspid. A narrowing of the valve can also be present in dogs suffering from different types of heart valve dysplasia. All these problems make the heart work less effective dog.

Tricuspid valve dysplasia symptoms in dogs 

Many dogs with valve dysplasia tricuspid live for years without showing signs of heart disease. In more severely affected dogs, significant regurgitation and / or narrowing of the right side of the valve can cause heart failure, which shut down except for the dog to receive treatment immediately. Cold feet, exercise tolerance, and faint all the symptoms of a serious tricuspid valve dysplasia requiring treatment. Dogs can also display the abdomen due to the accumulation of liquid or en enlarged liver.

Tricuspid valve dysplasia treatment for dogs

If the dog is experiencing symptoms of heart disease, few effective therapies available to treat different forms of heart valve dysplasia. Vets can for example manage diuretics to remove accumulated fluid and medication which will support the heart work too hard. Vets will usually also recommend sanctions for training your dog and a diet low in sodium. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to cure the problem with a heart operation, but it might be in the future.

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