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Fly Strike Dermatitis in Dogs

What Fly strike dermatitis?

Fly strike dermatitis can occur at the ends and fold the ears of dogs and due to fly Stomoxys calcitrans named. Common names for these flies is Stable Fly and prefer to feed on the blood of dogs with ear biting. Fly strike is the name for the irritation caused by these bites.

Dogs at risk of dermatitis fly strike

Dogs fly dermatitis is particularly a problem for dogs is limited to the outside during the summer and autumn. It is far more common in pet dogs that spend a lot of time in the room between runs.

In many cases, the flies were attracted to your dog for a reason. Your dog may for example have a small cut or ear infection in progress. This will remind flies, and they will begin to bite. This will naturally create a very painful cycle where the bites cause more wounds and infections, and flies even more interested in your dog. Dogs may also be trying to get rid of flies with excessive scratching and this can cause irritation of the ear even more.

Fly strike dermatitis symptoms in dogs

Flies can be very irritating to dogs and can cause red bite wounds and bleeding along the edges of the ears of dogs. This wound is very painful for the dog and can look crusty. Fly strike wounds often become infected. If your dog has erect ears, the bite will most likely be at the end of the ear. If your dog has floppy ears, looking bites along the front edge of each ear. Some dogs also bitten in the face.

Fly strike diagnosis

Fly strike will be difficult to diagnose because many different problems can cause wounds and ear infections. Fly strike for example, is sometimes mistaken for vasculitis, atopy, or sores. Therefore vet will usually do a culture to examine bacteria and fungus, and skin biopsy may also be required. Some veterinarians also do a urine analysis and blood count to ensure that the whole body of the dog did nothing.

Fly strike dermatitis treatment for dogs

Skin lesions caused by fly bites can be treated with topical antibiotics and topical corticosteroids. This not only will reduce the inflammation and infection, but also can create a barrier for flies. Ear hygiene is very important.

Prevent future bites flies naturally is a very important aspect of successful treatment of fly strike. A topical fly repellent can be used to keep the flies away. Make sure that you choose a specific pusher produced to keep the flies away, and that the product is safe for dogs. In some cases, it's better to keep the dog room. This is especially true if the pusher fly cause skin irritation to the ear which is regretted. As mentioned above, restricted dog out far more likely to suffer from dermatitis strike aircraft and dogs that work just outside several times a day to the streets they are far more vulnerable to this problem. Caring for your dog except for a few days to walk because it's one way to prevent fly strike, especially when the ear is still healing.

1 comment for "Fly Strike Dermatitis in Dogs"

  1. This could be a matter of great concern for the pet owners as this could really irritate your pet and this is the responsibility of yours to maintain its health and happiness. Grooming can help you to avoid such situation upto some extends and for this you can take help from the Pet Grooming Tips.
