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Bacterial Infections in Dogs

Bacteria are a natural part of living organisms in a mixture of dog and on their skin, such as bacteria in human life and on our skin. Bacteria can be very useful and like helping us with digestion, but bacteria can also cause a variety of diseases in dogs and people alike. In some situations, even the normally harmless bacteria can cause serious health problems in dogs, such as when antibiotics kill the normal bacterial flora in the body of a dog, to allow defense antibiotics bacteria to grow without any competition. Some examples of diseases caused by bacteria dogs are Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, brucellosis, leptospirosis, ehrlichiosis and Clostridium.

What are bacteria?

Bacteria (singular bacterium) that uniseluler micro-organisms that come in various shapes, including spirals, balls and sticks. Bacteria usually several micrometers in length, much larger than viruses. These bacteria are found throughout the world, even in the most adverse environments such as hot springs and acid contaminated by radioactive waste district.

Bacteria and antibiotics for dogs

Bacterial infections in dogs can often be successfully combated with the help of antibiotics, but it's important to contact your vet to get a proper diagnosis and get the right kind of antibiotic. Certain antibiotics are more appropriate than others for a particular disease, and choice of antibiotics will also be determined by the overall health status of your dog. A pregnant bitch should avoid such as some types of antibiotics, while an adult dog may be good candidates for some type of antibiotics given to young dogs because of risk of 5 or 10 years down the road. Dose must also be adjusted according to weight and age of your dog.

What are antibiotics?

Antibiotics are chemicals that can eliminate or at least inhibit the growth of micro-organisms. Originally, the term antibiotic is used for all agents with biological activity against living organisms, but today the term is usually allocated to the materials used to control the growth of bacteria, fungi and / or parasites.

First known use of antibiotics by doctors and veterinarians who were isolated from all living organisms, including the famous penicillin produced by fungi. Before antibiotics discovered, bacterial diseases are often treated with various chemicals that also damaged patients, such as arsenic and strychnine. The new antibiotics are much better on the target harmful microbes and produces less severe side effects.

Side effects in dogs

When your dog is receiving antibiotic treatment, you need to monitor the possibility of side effects. Exact side effects will depend on various factors, including how antibiotics given, where antibiotics are used, the dosage, and the overall health status of your dog. Common side effects experienced by the dog antibiotics are nausea, diarrhea, fever, and allergic reactions. Antibiotics also may interact with other drugs and supplements and important to tell your vet about medications and supplements, including natural remedies, that you give your dog.

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