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Protozoal Disease in Dogs

Protozoal disease in dogs is an infection caused by the protozoa, one-cleed eukaryotes. Microbial eukaryotes is uniseluler which the cell has developed the core membrane bound. Protozoan infections in dogs can affect several systems and is responsible for a variety of symptoms and diseases of dogs.

Symptoms of protozoal disease in dogs

Because there is such an abundance of protozoa species capable of attacking the dog, it is difficult to give general guidelines about the symptoms to look for in your dog. Protozoan infection symptoms in your dog will also depend on the organ affected. Entry point for protozoa can for example determine where the initial symptoms are present in the dog. Below you will find a list of symptoms generally associated with protozoal disease in dogs, but because you see many of them are generally associated with a high number of other diseases, such as diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

· Anorexia
· Blindness
· Respiratory problems
· Cough
· Diarrhea
· Enlarged lymph nodes
· Pressure
· Fever
· Muscle cramps
· Paralysis
· Cramp
· Vomiting
· Weight loss
· Yellow staining

Examples of diseases caused by protozoa dog

· Acanthamebiasis, caused by Acanthamoeba species
· Amebiasis, caused by Entamoeba histolytica
· Babesiosis, caused by Babesia species
· Balantidiasis, caused by Escherichia Balantidium
· Coccidiosis, usually caused by Cystoisospora
· Kriptosporidiosis, caused by Cryptosporidium parvum
· Cytauxzoonosis, due Cytauxzoon Felis
· Hepatozoonosis, caused by Hepatozoon Canis
· Encephalitozoonosis, due Encephalitozoo
· Giardiasis, caused by Giardia species
· Leishmaniasis, caused by Leishmania species
· Neosporosis, caused by Neospora Cani
· Pneumocystosis, caused by Pneumocystis carinii
· Toxoplasmosis, caused by Toxoplasma gondii
· Trikomoniasis, due Pentatrichomonas hominis
· Trypanosomiasis, caused by Trypanosoma cuniculinum cruzin
Ways to diagnose protozoan infections in dogs

If your vet suspects that your dog may be infected with the protozoan, it can do a test one or several efforts to determine the truth. To begin with, a veterinarian who will book a complete blood count (CBC), biochemical profile urinanalysis and. In addition, the veterinarian may decide to perform serological tests, examine your dog's feces, had chest and abdominal X-ray taken, and / or directly involved in the identification of organisms. In order to implement the introduction of live organisms, the vet will most likely need to remove and evaluate specific cells or tissues from your dog.

How to treat a dog with protozoan infections

The exact behavior depends on the protozoa that have infected your dog, the organ affected, and how severe the infection. The type of your dog and your dog's overall health should also be considered. (Certain line can be tolerant of a particular treatment.) In severe cases, treatment may need to be accompanied by protozoa supportif intensive treatment, and your dog may need a blood transfusion. Many species of protozoa cause severe diarrhea with a significant loss of fluids and keep hydrated dog is often one of the most important aspects of supportif intensive treatment for dogs infected with protozoa.

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