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Brucellosis Bacterial in Dogs

What is brucellosis bacterial? 

Brucellosis is a bacterial disease that can cause a variety of problems, including orkitis (inflammation of the testes), uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of the eye), and miscarriages in dogs. Dogs are not the only ones affected by the disease, infect the world many kinds of domestic animals, including cattle, pigs and goats. People can also suffer from brucellosis. In dogs, the disease is caused by bacteria called Brucella Canis, while goats and sheep infected with Brucella melitensis, Brucella Ovis pork, and so on.

Brucellosis of transmission  in dogs

In dogs, sexual transmission is the most common form of transmission of brucellosis. However, they can get the disease in other ways too, for example by having a relationship with a fetus that has been canceled due to brucellosis.

Brucellosis symptoms in dogs

In dogs, brucellosis bacteria normally live in the genitals and lymphatic system, but there is a possibility for the spread to the kidneys, eyes and disk intervertebralis well. When brucellosis infected intervertebralis disk, the result is discospondylitis.

In dogs, symptoms of general reproductive organs. Male dogs can develop inflammation such as the scrotum and testes, whereas a female dog can experience a miscarriage. Fever is rare, but the pain associated with brucellosis can make poor dog. If the disease spreads to the kidneys, eyes or intervertebralis disc symptoms can begin to show from these organs.

Brucellosis prevention

The best way to prevent brucellosis is to test all dogs prior to breeding. A blood test can show if the dog is infected with brucellosis. Avoid "accidental" mating naturally also important.

You should be careful when handling infected with brucellosis dogs, and humans can catch brucellosis from animals, for example by having a relationship with the fetus that was aborted, the blood or semen. If you only pets and care for your dog in normal mode and leave everything involving blood and semen to the vet very low risk of brucellosis. If the immune system is compromised, such as drugs due to HIV, cancer or immunosuppressant (general after the transplant) you do not have to care for dogs with brucellosis.

Brucellosis treatment for dogs

Brucellosis in dogs can be cured with antibiotics, but difficult to cure and prolonged medication is often required. Antibiotics such as rifampicin, tetracycline, streptomycin and getnamicin all effective against Brucella bacteria.

One method that is often used is to use a combination doksisiklin and rifampicin for 6 weeks. Other combinations are intramuscular injections of streptomycin for two weeks combined with doksisiklin pills for 45 days. But this could take several months for a dog to fully recover. Brucellosis is rarely fatal, but in some cases the disease does not cause endocarditis.

The reason why antibiotics should be given for a few weeks is the fact that brucellosis bacteria incubates in cells from dogs. Using doksisiklin just never a good idea, because doksisiklin be combined with other drugs to prevent brucellosis is coming back.

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