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Samoyed Dog Informations

Samoyed Dogs

Samoyed dog takes its name from the community Samoyedic from Siberia. These nomadic reindeer herding dog bred white fur to help with the herd, and to pull sleds when they moved. Alternative name for the breed, especially in Europe, is Bjelkier

Males usually have a weight between 23-30 kg (51-66 lb), while females typically weigh 17-25 kg (37-55 lb).
AKC Standard: 21 to 23.5 inches (53-60 cm) at the shoulder for males, 19-21 inches (48-53 cm) for females.
UK Kennel Club Standard: 51-56 cm (20-22 in) for males, 46-51 cm (18-20 in) for females.

Samoyed eyes are usually black or brown and almond in shape. Blue or other color eyes can occur but are not allowed in the show ring. It is in "the brown and black" in his family, Spitz family.

Samoyed ears thick and covered with fur, triangular, and erect. They are almost always white but can often have light to dark brown color (known as "cookies"), usually around the end of the ear.

Samoyed tail is one of the breed features more discriminating. Like the Alaskan Malamute, carried curled tail behind them, however, unlike the Malamute, Samoyed tail held back really touched. This should not be a tight curl or held "flag" like, it should be done lying on the back and to one side. In cold weather, the Samoyed can sleep with their tails over their noses to provide additional warmth. Almost all of the Samoyed will allow their tails fall when they relaxed and comfortable, such as when being stroked or while eating, but will return their tails to a curl when more alert.
NZKC Standard: Tail: Long and abundant, brought back when alert, sometimes down at snack time.
UK Kennel Club Standard: Tail: Long and heavy coated, brought back and to the side when alert, sometimes down at snack time.

Samoyed has a mantle, compact double layer. The mantle consists of long, coarse hair caregivers, and straight, which appear white but have a bit of silver staining. This makes the top layer of the bottom layer is very clean and free from dirt. The bottom layer, or undercoat, consists of dense fur, soft, short and hot dog making. Undercoat is typically shed the weight once or twice a year, and this seasonal process is sometimes referred to as the "mantle blowing". This does not mean the Samoyed will only shed during that time however, the fine hairs (versus the dense blobs warehouse during seasonal shedding) will be shed all year round, and have a tendency to stick to cloth and float in the air. The standard Samoyed may come in a mixture of biscuit and white coloring, although pure white and all biscuit dogs are common. Males typically have larger ruffs than females.

Samoyed friendly position, makes them poor guard dog, an aggressive Samoyed is rare. With their tendency to bark, but they can be diligent watch dogs, barking whenever something approaching their area. The Samoyed is a very good friend, especially for small children or even other dogs, and they kept playing until old age. When Samoyed become bored, they can start digging. With their dog sled heritage, the Samoyed is not averse to exciting things, and Samoyed has no problem attracting trained on the same rope from running together. Samoyed also used to herd reindeer. They will instinctively act as herd dogs, and when playing with children, especially, will often try to turn and move them in a different direction. This breed is marked by alert and happy expression which has received the title of "Sammy smile" and "smiling dog."

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